About Hotel

Safety and Security

The Oberoi, New Delhi is committed to provide the most safe and secure environment to all our guests, visitors and patrons. Our Hotel is equipped with the most technologically advanced safety and security features in full compliance with the local and international standards.

Below we have outlined some essential guidelines in case of emergency or in an out of the ordinary situations.

Please make yourself familiar and do not hesitate to dial Hotel Services with any queries.


In the event of an emergency, the few minutes it would take to read this information could be a good investment. It may never happen to you, may never need to implement this advice, but you should always be alert for the unexpected.

The fire exits on your floor are clearly marked. Please do note the exit plan posted on the back of your room door.

Should there be heavy smoke , you may have difficulty locating the exits, so please take time to observe the following points:-

Count the number of doorways between the room door and at least two emergency exits.

Check the location of the fire extinguishers / hoses and alarms in the corridor of your floor.

Understand the air - conditioning "ON" and "OFF" control in your room.

In the unlikely event of a Fire or an emergency situation, please dial 77.

If you find a fire

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm.
  • Call the hotel telephone operator.
  • Leave the building if possible using the exit staircase; do not use the elevators. Please take your room key with you.
  • Close door (s) against the fire if unable to leave your room.
  • If the fire is small, extinguish and inform the hotel telephone operator at extension 77.

If evacuating upon hearing the fire alarm

  • Take your room key and move cautiously.
  • Feel the door and handle with the palm of your hand. If the door or handle is hot and abnormally warm, don't open it. If door is not hot, open it carefully, but be ready to close it immediately if necessary.
  • Proceed to the nearest fire exit. Stay calm and always hold the handrail. If it gets hot as you go down, do not proceed.
  • If your exit is blocked or fire is on the lower floors, go back to your room.
  • Never attempt to use the elevators in case of fire.
  • Most injuries occur from inhalation of smoke and poisonous gases, not from burning. Always stay as low to the ground if there is any smoke present.
  • In the unlikely event of a Fire or an emergency situation, please dial 77.

If you must remain in your room

  • Do not panic. You can stay in your room and still survive a fire.
  • Turn off the air-conditioning.
  • Phone in your location to the Hotel Telephone Operator. Stuff wet towels and sheets around the door seals and air vents. Use the waste basked to bail water from the bath tub if smoke seeps in.
  • Remove drapes from the window. (In suites only).
  • If smoke still enters your room, make a tent over your head with a wet blanket.
  • As a last resort, if the air becomes too smoke laden, it may be necessary to open your window slightly.
  • If the windows do not open, break one with a chair or drawer. Do not open or break a window if smoke or flames are rising outside from a lower floor.


The hotel doctor is on call round the clock. Please contact the Duty Manager for assistance.

The doctor will be able to arrange specialized services if required.

For further assistance dial extension 60.